Wednesday, January 6, 2021

G126 a.m.e.m. circuit

 amem circuit
 Q. the basic components or parts of the machine?

A. The basic component or parts of the machine are three scheduled timer, motorized valve, solenoid valve, heating element, trap container

 Q.  How are they related and connected to each other to work as a whole?

A. The three programmable timer act as switch. the 1st timer scheduled, is to power the heating element until the stag water boil in 7 minute, then the 2nd timer scheduled, is to energized motorize valve to drain water in 5 min  and  the 3rd timer scheduled, is refill clean water

Q. How was it made?

A. As a concerned, observer being, and family victim of dengue fever, it was made by the method using boiled the stagnant water in 7 minutes that contain mosquito egg and larva nor tumblers and dispose properly

Q. How does it work?

A. it work by the power of A.C volt electricity, pressure water, and schedule time

Q. Purpose/objective of the invention;

 A. The purpose of the invention is to control, to trim-down the population of mosquito, minimize the spreading of disease carried like: dengue fever, malaria, chikungunya, yellow fever, west Nile virus, and eastern equine encephalitis..